Sooooooo, this is my first blog EVER!!!!!!!!!!
Today is kind of a blah day, I'm sitting here in the office with the heater on high and about to enjoy a nice cup of coffee. Yesterday the sun was shining, the birds were chirping! I even had my door to the office open all day, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. Today I woke up to snow and gloomy skies! Gah!! I guess that is Colorado weather for you! Eventually it will be summer and I will be complaining of 90 degree weather. So, I will enjoy this spring while I have it.
Last night I went to my cousin Domnic's 4th birthday party! I cant believe how time flies and these little ones grow so fast!! Man, Im getting old!! This was a pizza and Spiderman party!! Domnic was dressed in his Spiderman costume! So cute! That lil guy sure does love Spiderman! He even had green juice for all the kids and Green Goblin to enjoy! Domnic made out like a bandit with all his Spiderman gear including a sweet Spiderman bike!! The Spiderman cake was amazing, Brenna made it and it looked delicious, I didnt have a piece but I sure wanted one ;). It was good to see all the lil ones having a good time and enjoying their time with cousins! The only thing that could have made this party better...... My nieces Hailey and Ayva!! I wish they could have been there, I sure do miss them!! I hope to see them very soon!!
Well that's all for now..........